Barrett alumni lecturing Barrett students in a classroom environment

Alumni engagement

Barrett alumni stay connected

As a Barrett Honors College alumnus, you can play an integral role in the future and continued development of your honors college.

Your involvement in helping define the honors college and support students can be your lasting legacy. There are many ways to make a positive impact as a Barrett alum. Contact us at for more information.

Ways to be involved

Mentor of the Semester

Michael Houang, Class of 2018

We are delighted to recognize Michael, who served as a mentor in the Barrett Alumni Mentorship Program. Here’s what Michael’s student mentee had to say:

"Michael went above and beyond in supporting my growth. We touched on my academic, professional, and personal interests and he helped challenge my perspective on many topics. He always made an effort to make himself available, and I am excited to stay in touch with him!”

Thank you to Michael and all of the alumni that participated last Spring. Sign-up forms for the Fall semester are now open.

Learn more

Barrett Alumni Michael Houang


Have questions or want to know more? Contact our Barrett Alumni office.

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